Sometimes my favorite projects are the ones that come to me on a whim. I was wandering through JOANN last week and spotted these cute floral patches, sparking the idea for this simple DIY floral patch barrette for your hair! This barrette DIY literally takes five minutes to make using basic ion-on patches, and these cute floral daisy patches are giving me major 60s vibes. Just glue them to a hair pin or barrette to make a cute floral accessory for your hair!
Side note: There’s nothing like taking photos of the back of your head to make you realize how badly you need a haircut! 😂

Because my hair is quite thin, I never know what to do with it. Thanks to the reemergence of styles from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s, this floral patch barrette is back in style! I simply pin half my hair back with this barrette DIY and I instantly have a new hair style.
Psst, do you recognize my felt pom pom flowers in the photo below?!

- Floral patches in two sizes (or one extra large patch)
- Metal hair barrettes
- Glue gun

Step 1: Glue the largest patch to the middle of the barrette with a hot glue gun. Let the glue set.

Step 2: Layer the smaller patches on each side to completely cover the metal. Glue in place and let dry.

Now you can wear this floral patch barrette in your hair! Easiest DIY ever? Perhaps. Now you can see there are more uses for iron-on patches than ironing to your favorite denim jacket!
How would you wear this hair barrette DIY?? For more ideas for using iron-on patches, check out my peekaboo patch T-shirt DIY!