Oh, hi! I can finally share that I am a MARRIED LADY! That’s right – on Dec 31, 2020, Andrew and I had a last-minute micro backyard wedding to close out the awful year on a high note. After postponing (more like cancelling) our wedding twice in 2020, we agreed to get married before the year ended. We’ve been together for almost eight years, and after my grandma recently passed away, I asked Andrew if we could have a small ceremony on New Year’s Eve, my grandparents’ wedding anniversary. With just two guests, it was incredibly special, but it was bittersweet not having our families with us to celebrate. Now, we’re looking forward to an improvement in the pandemic for us to have a reception with our closest friends and family. It was a hard decision to make to get married without them – I’ll be honest, I’ve spent months resisting it. Despite my hesitations, I’m so glad to be married to this wonderful man.

There’s not much to say about the wedding, but I thought I’d share some of the photos from our ceremony. I made a small winter wedding cake using a delicious recipe for apple spice cake from the book Layered by Tessa Huff and an OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD brown butter cream cheese frosting. Prior to frosting the cake, I was eating it by the spoonful…sorry not sorry.
Andrew’s sister officiated our ceremony, which made it extra special. Her wife was our witness. Together, they took a lot of photos for us to remember the day. We called and texted a few friends and family members. Then we played games and ordered Olive Garden, which our other friends treated us to when we told them the news. We picked up a BAJILION breadsticks. Not even exaggerating. They gave us double what we actually ordered, ha!

I ordered a fairly inexpensive dress from ASOS and paired it with a necklace my grandma gave me. Andrew wore his wedding suit we purchased for him months ago, and I utilized some random decorations I had in the garage, plus some branches from our grapefruit tree. I splurged on a beautiful custom bouquet from a local florist, and I’m honestly happy I did. We popped champagne our friends sent us and laughed A LOT. I quickly changed into my #married t-shirt my mom gave me last summer and a pair of comfy leggings. It was the perfect low-key evening.

Everyone we’ve shared the news with has been SO SO supportive, and we truly appreciate it. It took a lot to talk me into getting married without my family present, but I don’t regret it for a second because my husband is the best. If you’re a fellow COVID bride tired of postponing the wedding, I do recommend getting married in a tiny ceremony and having the celebration later. The marriage will be worth it. Cheers to a new year, everyone!
I had a micro-wedding 17 years ago and have never regretted it. I highly recommend it to anyone I hear stressing about their big wedding details.
AngelaOh and congratulations! It looks like it was beautiful. I also love the splurge on the bouquet.
Nicole Bissell
Congratulations. It and you look absolutely beautiful. Small, but special.