Do you or do you not end up with tons of extra food at Thanksgiving?
Somehow, there’s always leftovers, and the most important leftovers (in my opinion) are the pies. Pie should never be wasted, especially apple pie ?
Naturally, plain ‘ol tupperware isn’t good enough to take pie home, and you can bet you’ll never get it back from your guests. No, I think it calls for something way more fun – printable fruit slice pie boxes! I made this simple downloadable template that you can quickly cut out, fold and tape together to hold individual pieces of pie to send home with guests, and the best part is they all look like fruit. I just like turning things into fruit (add this to my hypothetical Tinder bio?)
These printable pie boxes were really fun to make, and it gave me an excuse to buy a pie and then promptly eat it ALL.
I made three different fruit pie boxes – watermelon, strawberry and lemon!
Simply print these out on thick cardstock paper (printer paper will not be strong enough to hold pie) and cut along the outside edges. There are separate tops and bottoms for the boxes to allow for large pieces of pie. Fold along the dotted lines and tape or glue the flaps to the inside of the box (I recommend glue, but you obviously want to be careful using glue in a container for food). Insert a piece of pie in the bottom box and place the top on next, and you can even wrap it up with a ribbon if you really want to have fun with it.
I picked up a Dutch apple pie because it’s my favorite and I’ll take ANY excuse to eat more pie!
For some, this extra stuff may seem like too much when already planning a big get-together, but to me, cheesy pie boxes and decorations are the best part! They won’t take long to cut and fold together, and I guarantee your guests will enjoy the homemade touch!
Can you send me the printables for these boxes i am doing a fund raiser and making cheese cake and having a hard time getting a good template
Holly Wade
JOY A SEGUINHi Joy! You can find the link to the template in the post: https://www.clubcrafted.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Printable-Fruit-Pie-Boxes-Holly-Wade-Club-Crafted.pdf